Dog Burials at Abydos

Dog Burials at Abydos

During excavations in 2009 by the North Abydos Project from New York University, at the huge funerary enclosure of the IInd Dynasty King Khasekhemwy, (c.2750 B.C),  a number of pots containing dogs turned up in the soft sandy fill inside the enclosure. Professor of Egyptology Salima Ikram of The American University of Cairo is an expert in animal mummies and has examined the dogs which cannot be removed from their pots without risking the integrity of the animals.

The article is particularly concentrated on two of five dogs found including a large dog that has been affectionately named Houdini and a second not as well preserved named Chewie. Neither pot contained fabric though Chewie was accompanied by the shards of another pot.

Photo: [Credit: NYU-IFA mission to Abydos/Discovery News]

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