Drama KING

Drama KING


When the tomb of King Tutankhamun was discovered in 1922, Tutmania gripped the public like a fever. The temperature spiked again in the 1970s with the tour of “Treasures of Tutankhamun,” which bypassed a disappointed Atlanta.

Get the cold compress ready: It’s our turn now. “Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs,” a new exhibition, begins its U.S. tour at the Civic Center today, and it’s terrific.

Too often big exhibits intended for a broad audience are more Hollywood than art. Not this one. Yes, it’s dramatic. Arts and Exhibitions International, the organizer, has deployed a full artillery of effects, from pin-point lighting in darkened spaces to video fly-throughs, to create a memorable experience.

But never at the expense of the artifacts. The 130 objects from The Egyptian Museum in Cairo are the stars of the show, and they are top-notch. The museum and curator David Silverman worked together to select an array that represents the artistry and range of ancient Egyptian arts and crafts. Majestic pharaohs carved from obdurate stone. Vessels carved out of milky Egyptian alabaster. Birds fluttering in the marsh painted on a palace floor.

The objects tell a story, too. The exhibit is a TUTorial (to steal the Carlos Museum’s term) on the pharaohs who ruled ancient Egypt. The roll call of mighty kings in the first gallery is followed by chapters on their courtiers, families, religious beliefs and, of course, their elaborate funerary rituals.

- Exhibition: Wonderful Things
Michael C Carlos Enews, February 2009 The thrill of discovery, chronicled as a turning-point in the appreciation of ancient art and societies, connects the exhibition “Wonderful Things: The Harry Burton Photographs and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun”...

- Exhibition: Wonderful Things
Media-Newswire The thrill of discovery, chronicled as a turning-point in the appreciation of ancient art and societies, connects the exhibition “Wonderful Things: The Harry Burton Photographs and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun” at the Michael...

- Dallas Gives King Tut A Royal Welcome
There are far too many Tutankhamun articles to publish all of them but here are a couple which celebrate the opening of the Golden Age in Dallas. Dallas Morning News (David Flick and Michael Granberry) As the saying goes, King Tut wasn't born in...

- Exhibition: Tutlanta
The Earth Times "Tutlanta" launched today as tickets became available for "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs," a new exhibition featuring more than 130 treasures from the tomb of celebrated pharaoh King Tutankhamun and other ancient...

- Exhibition: The Golden King And The Great Pharaohs
International Herald Tribune An exhibition featuring more than 130 treasures from the Egyptian tomb of King Tutankhamun and other ancient sites will begin a U.S. tour with an opening November in Atlanta. The Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University...

