EES focuses on the Delta

EES focuses on the Delta

Egypt Exploration Society

With photographs. See the above page for the entire update.

On 26 March 2009, the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the EES hosted a workshop to discuss the problems and priorities for future archaeological work in the Nile Delta. The workshop, held at the British Council in Cairo, was attended by 54 participants of varying nationalities and backgrounds, many of whom had extensive experience of working on sites in the Delta.

The SCA was officially represented by Mr Sabri Abdel Aziz Khater and Dr Mohammed Abdel Maksoud and we were pleased to welcome many other SCA personnel who work in the Delta. Short presentations were given by Drs Jeffrey Spencer, Joanne Rowland and Penny Wilson but these were deliberately kept brief so as to maximise the amount of time available for participants to share their own views and experiences.

A full report on the day’s proceedings is available on the Society’s website:

For a larger selection of photographs from the day please go here:

Many readers will know that Jeffrey and Patricia Spencer (the Society’s Director) spent a short season at Yetwal wa Yuksur for the Survey earlier in March, and reported on their progress via a specially created blog:

- Future Of Ees Delta Survey Secure
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- Ees News Update, 12 March 2009
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