The EES Delta Surveys

The EES Delta Surveys

EES Delta Survey  

The aim of the EES Delta Survey is to investigate those tells in the Delta about which little is known - to record surface features, get an idea of the dating of any material and the site in general and carry out surveys. If a site has any significant features, these can then be investigated in more detail. All the information gathered is fed back into the on-line data held on the Society’s website: to inform colleagues and record the current state of sites, many of which are under threat from urban or agricultural expansion. The work that Penny Wilson and her team are currently doing around Lake Burullos is the first stage in this process (gathering information), and the survey which they will start next week at Tell Mutubis is the follow-up stage of more detailed study. 

- Udate From Kom El-daba
EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer) With photos.    Many of the tells of the Nile Delta have house plans visible on their surfaces – as we had noted at Kom Ineizi on our visit two days ago. These are most visible when sites are flat and clear...

- Ees Delta Survey 2012
EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer)   The EES Delta Survey is ready to kick off for the new 2012 season We’re just about all ready for our flight tomorrow to Cairo to collect our documentation from the SCA and visit Faten in the EES Cairo Office...

- Ees Delta Survey Comes To A Close
EES Delta Survey I've enjoyed following the EES Delta Survey and am sad to see them go. Our first season at Daba has gone very well. We were able to survey the whole site and now have a much better understanding of its archaeological remains and the...

- Returning To The Delta
EES Delta Survey The EES Delta Survey have started updating on Tumblr again this season. This is my last day at work before we leave on Monday for Egypt - flying on Egyptair this time after the problem we had at the end of the last season with the BA...

- Recent Work In Minufiyeh
Egypt Exploration Society The Minufiyeh Archaeological Survey, directed by Dr Joanne Rowland, is part of the Society’s Delta Survey (, and has recently completed its fourth season of work in the central...

