Udate from Kom el-Daba

Udate from Kom el-Daba

EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer)

With photos.   

Many of the tells of the Nile Delta have house plans visible on their surfaces – as we had noted at Kom Ineizi on our visit two days ago. These are most visible when sites are flat and clear of surface debris or have relatively low mounds, but even on a site like Daba which has steep high mounds and areas covered in red-brick fragments, there are house plans visible in places. The mud-brick wall we found at the south end of our trench yesterday is the northern wall of a room which could be seen before excavation.

The walls of a room of another building, south of the town house, visible on the surface before excavation.

This morning we first of all asked our workmen to scrape carefully across the extended trench to show the walls and the fill between them more clearly. 

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