Kom el-Daba signing off

Kom el-Daba signing off

EES Delta Survey

With photos

When we started fieldwork last year at Kom el-Daba we mapped the site and returned this year to try to establish the nature of the surviving high mounds of mud-brick. Our excavation has shown that these were town houses, probably of the Ptolemaic period. As at so many Delta sites, imagination is needed to envisage what the buildings were like before they were destroyed and in his talk in Mansura Jeff used the following two slides, of well-preserved houses at Karanis and a model, to show what our town houses would have looked like in antiquity.

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Egypt Exploration Society Great news. Since 2007 the EES Delta Survey has been an Approved Research Project of the British Academy which has given us the opportunity each year to apply for funding of up to £5,000. This has been used to continue field...

- Udate From Kom El-daba
EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer) With photos.    Many of the tells of the Nile Delta have house plans visible on their surfaces – as we had noted at Kom Ineizi on our visit two days ago. These are most visible when sites are flat and clear...

- Progress At Kom El Daba
EES Delta Survey  With photos. We’ve completed our first full week of work here at Kom el-Daba and are very pleased with the progress we’ve made so far. The east wall of our ‘town house’ now extends for about 10m and just before we finished...

- Returning To The Delta
EES Delta Survey The EES Delta Survey have started updating on Tumblr again this season. This is my last day at work before we leave on Monday for Egypt - flying on Egyptair this time after the problem we had at the end of the last season with the BA...

- New Subterranean Finds At Tel Al-dabaa Near Ancient Avaris
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