Egypt Falling Apart

Egypt Falling Apart

News articles from Egypt indicate dozens dead in riots to overthrow the long ruling dictator Hosni Mubarak. The president has dismissed his government in an attempt to calm the riots and there are reports that Egypt's first lady Suzanne Mubarak has fled the country for the comfort of London.

Al Jazeera has excellent coverage of what is happening including the concern over the looting and damaging of the Cairo museum and a number of it's artifacts including the reported destruction of two mummies and a number of gilded statues from Tutankhamun's tomb.

Kate Phizackerley over at her Valley of Kings site is keeping a good timeline of events including a phone call with Jane Akshar from Luxor News who reports that Luxor is relatively quiet.

- Sunday Morning - Round-up Of The News To Date
I am just focusing on the news as it relates to Egypt's heritage and tourism. Summing up from yesterday for those who have only just come to the blog, the news is as follows. See the previous posts for all links to sources and videos. As in all situations...

- More Updates - I'll Just Keep Adding To This Post Tonight
22:55- I am currently glued to Al Jazeera's live reporting of the situation in Egypt on the web (where they provided an interesting profile of the new Vice President). Hawass is shown, again, saying that last night a few people entered the Cairo...

- Mubarak Opens Projects In Luxor"President Hosni Mubarak yesterday opened several projects in Luxor, including the Mubarak Egyptian Heritage Centre, Luxor’s modernised railway station and airport road. The President was briefed on...

- Is It Time For Mubarak To Be Arrested?
President Mubarak has promised he will leave in the fall though I fear that if the crowds were to disperse that the dictator may be convinced to change his mind. Thirty years of oppression on the Egyptian people is not an acceptable means of stability...

- Who Is Thuyu?
Thuyu has long been known to Egyptologists through the reference made to her and her husband on a scarab known as "the marriage scarab" created as propaganda for Amenhotep III to announce his marriage to the lady Tiye the daughter of Yuya and Thuyu. The...

