Egypt Today short news review

Egypt Today short news review
A series of very short summaries of past news items are featured on the Egypt Today website this month:

About Antiquities
Some 330 monuments rescued from the Mediterranean waters off Alexandria, including three five-meter tall colossi, are on exhibit in Berlin through September. According to Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt will get LE 6 million in return for displaying its breathtaking artifacts during the four-month exhibit.

Hatshepsut Mummy Found
The true mummy of Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut was discovered on the third floor of Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, Hawass revealed during a lecture at the New York-based Metropolitan Museum of Art in March. The museum is hosting an exhibition of 270 Hatshepsut artifacts through July 9.

Pharaonic Monuments in Fayoum
Egyptian archaeologists have uncovered new monuments dating back to the pharaohs’ Middle Kingdom in Al-Fayoum governorate, the Ministry of Culture has announced. Chief among the relics is the temple of Madi City, the only temple remaining from that time period.

Hatshepsut-Era Parlor Unearthed
An Egyptian-Spanish archaeological expedition working in Luxor has unearthed a 34-meter-long parlor belonging to Gihoti, a workers’ superintendent in charge of decorating temples and galleries during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut, 1502-1487 BC. A game board was also excavated in a nearby room.

- Finding Hatshepsut A useful synthesis of the past and present of Hatshepsut. Nevine el-Aref gives a brief description of the reign of the female Pharaoh, takes a look at the tombs, caches and mummies most closely associated with...

- New Kingdom Discovery Near Luxor The discovery of a 34 metre "hall" located in a rock cut tomb near Luxor has been announced by the SCA: "The Egyptian-Spanish team discovered the hall at Zira Abu al-Naga on the west bank of the Nile, as it was excavating the...

- Hatshepsut
For those hoping for more information about the Egypt State Information Service announcement that the mummy of Hatshepsut has been found in the Cairo Museum, I have found no further information on the subject so far. There is a lot of speculation about...

- Upgrading Queen Hatsheput's Temple short piece by Hassan Saadallah about rennovations to the temple of the Deir el Bahri temple of Queen Hatshepsut: "An urgent project will start soon to preserve the el-Deir el-Bahari Temple of Queen Hatshepsut...

- Forthcoming Hatshepsut Exhibition State Information Service has announced the upcoming Hatshepsut exhibition: "Queen Hatshepsut fair travels to US. A fair item titled Hatshepsut: from Queen to Pharaoh is due to travel to San Francisco...

