Egyptian mummy returns to Stonyhurst

Egyptian mummy returns to Stonyhurst


A 2,500 year old Egyptian mummy, discovered by a Jesuit missionary and archaeologist in 1850, has returned to Stonyhurst College in Lancashire.

Since the 1970s the remains of the unidentified young boy, aged five or six, have been cared for at Manchester Museum.

It has been part of the museum’s world famous collection of Egyptian artefacts and, over the last 30 years, a series of forensic science investigations including scans and x-rays have been carried out, to learn more about the boy’s health and living conditions.

Now Stonyhurst College has the necessary facilities in place for conservation of the mummy, so it has recently returned to its former home.

The mummy has created a lot of interest with the pupils.

The relic will now be part of a display in the Long Room, which is dedicated to the study of science, the natural world and human anthropology.

See the above page for more.

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