Baton Rouge mummy gets a new spin

Baton Rouge mummy gets a new spin

Going to see the mummy at the Louisiana Art and Science Museum has been a Baton Rouge tradition for many years.

That tradition recently entered a new phase with renovations of the museum’s Ancient Egypt Gallery, a simulated rock-cut tomb that opened to the public in 1986.

Acquired in 1964, LASM’s 2,300-year-old mummy has been on display throughout much of the museum’s history. Recently, with grant funding from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, LASM officials updated the mummy display with new interpretive text, a more dynamic layout and more objects on display.

The FACES Lab at LSU, which specializes in forensic science, worked with museum officials to recreate what the mummy might have looked like in life.

The Louisiana Art and Science Museum can be found online here.

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