LASM mummy's sex, age uncovered

LASM mummy's sex, age uncovered

Gonzales Weekly Citizen
BATON ROUGE - The 2,300 year-old mummy affectionately known as the Princess of Thebes since arrival at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum in 1964 is a man.Information from a CT scan performed at St. Elizabeth Hospital by technologist Ron Letourneau in July under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Elias, Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium, helped determine that the mummy is a male between 25-30 years of age who died under mysterious circumstances. . . .

Manhein said she primarily used the pelvis and unique size and shaping differences between male and female to determine the mummy's sex. The determination was backed when a small male sciatic knot was discovered, and a blunt male chin was uncovered. "From the collarbone we were able to tell something about the age," she said. "The clavicle is the last bone in the body to fuse, usually around age 24 to 25, so we could tell the subject was at least that age. "In the most surprising revelation, the young man suffered physical trauma at or about the time of death."Something put tremendous pressure on his chest," Manhein said. "He had seven or eight broken ribs."
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