Egyptology exhibition in Charlotte, USA

Egyptology exhibition in Charlotte, USA
An exhbition entitled Ancient Egyptian Art for the Afterlife opens today: "This exhibition will be drawn from the private collection of a local Charlotte resident. The collection consists of Pre-Dynastic (4000-3000 BC) ceramics and stone, Old Kingdom (3000 – 2100 BC), and Ptolemaic Period (200-300 BC) funerary sculpture, stelae, and coffin boards. The accompanying publication will place the works in context, providing an overview of Ancient Egyptian history and the purpose of funerary art. Approximately 50 items will be featured". This is the complete text from the Mint Museum's web page. The Mint Museum is in Charlotte North Carolina (U.S. east coast). More details about the museum are at:

- Reviews: Hatshepsut - From Queen To Pharaoh "Nothing looks better in the Kimbell Art Museum than extremely large pieces of stone sculpture. Though the building was designed to hold a collection of European portraits and Asian art, when an ancient...

- Glories Of Ancient Egypt Exhibition, Daytona Beach"One of the season’s most anticipated cultural events is the opening of the Glories of Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Museum of Arts & Sciences. Considered one of the finest collections of its...

- Kmt - Fall 2005 The newest edition of KMT is being promoted on the KMT website (Volume 16, Number 3, Fall 2005). Features include (copied from the website above): HATSHEPSUT: FROM QUEEN TO PHARAOH by Dennis Forbes: An...

- Mummies From The British Museum Shown In California Exhibition"Among the peoples of the ancient world, the Egyptians occupy a unique position with their approach to death and the possibility of resurrection, particularly since so much of the...

- Egypt Exhibition - The Rochdale Collection (uk) This description comes from the 24-Hour Museum website. Sorry for not posting the original URL, but it was 456 characters long, so thanks to for the abbreviated version. "Rochdale’s own magnificent Ancient Egyptian...

