Egypt Exhibition - the Rochdale Collection (UK)

Egypt Exhibition - the Rochdale Collection (UK)
This description comes from the 24-Hour Museum website. Sorry for not posting the original URL, but it was 456 characters long, so thanks to for the abbreviated version. "Rochdale’s own magnificent Ancient Egyptian collection goes on show for the first time for over 30 Years. The Egyptian collection of Rochdale is derived mainly from two private collections, that of John Bright and that of Charles Heape. The collection includes ceramics, stone, wood, gesso, animal and plant remains, textiles, metals and precious metals and almost without exception the material is of international importance. Some of the objects in the collection date back to before the Dynastic or Pharoanic period the oldest being more than 7000 years old. These items represent some of the oldest Egyptian objects in any museum collection including Egypt".
This URL on Rochdale museum's own website has a much less detailed explanation, but you will be able to find contact etc details on this site:

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