Egyptology News for March 17th-22nd 2013

Egyptology News for March 17th-22nd 2013

Copied from Twitter @EgyptologyNews

Papyrus of Ani

New items under scrutiny in Penn Museum's lab: …

Tales of the mummy’s curse. The legend of the mummy’s curse still continues to fascinate. Al Ahram Weekly

Programme summary for 2-part Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings starting on UK TV this evening

How Harvard Students Explore Ancient Egypt From Cambridge With New 3D Technology. Forbes

Albany museum corrects gender of mummy after X-ray. Wall Street Journal

The EES Minufiyeh (Delta) Survey is back at Quesna and in Shibin el-Kom.

Conference "Tracing Networks.Communicating Knowledge in Antiquity and the Digital Age" Apr 23-24 2013 British Academy

Using modern fish to understand ancient ones from Old Kingdom Giza. AERA blog

Article re chief research officer + archaeozoologist at Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA), Giza. Uni Michigan

Cahiers de notes épigraphiques de Gaston Maspero 1881 - 1884.

Maritime trade thrived in Egypt, even before Alexandria in 1st mill BC. Article about topic of recent conference.

Via Neal Spencer ‏@NealSpencer_BM 19 Mar
After 10 months away (Paris, Shetland), the Gayer-Anderson Cat is back on display in room 4 @britishmuseum

Article: The present state of the site of Behbeit el-Hagar. C.Favard-Meeks. BMSAES 3 Nov2002 (all BMSAES papers free)

Via British Museum ‏@britishmuseum
Sycamore fig wood, often used for ancient Egyptian coffins, does not come from a sycamore tree, but from a fig tree #SciWeek

Via Jane Draycott ‏@JLDraycott
'Cleopatra's Daughter' in April's @HistoryToday tells the story of Cleopatra Selene, by way of Egypt, Rome, and Mauretania.

More re 3,300-Year-Old Egyptian cemetery reveals commoners' plight at Amarna. Live Science

A Nubian Bishop and His Patron Saint: 10th-century fresco gives insight into the Christian history of Nubia. The Root

Tutankhamun: How rival directors of two great American museums joined forces to create an epic event.Vanity Fair

An exploration of the Louvre's collection of ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia. Ahram Online

Book Review. Gods, Men & Pharaohs: The Glory of Egyptian Art. I.Woldering. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. The Egyptians blog

Some notes on health problems in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Part One: Problems with teeth. Joyce Filer

Cairo landmark, the Villa Casdagli, badly damaged during the revolution, to be restored to former glory. Ahram Online

New Book: The Valley of the Kings. A Site Management Handbook. Kent R. Weeks + Nigel J. Hetherington. AUC

Via Chris Naunton ‏@chrisnaunton
If Constable had visited Giza... 'The Pyramids at Gizeh in Morning 1890 by Ernst Koerner'

Conference: Recent Archaeological Fieldwork In Sudan. 13 May 2013 at the British Museum, London. Details at

Via Neal Spencer ‏@NealSpencer_BM
July 11-12: @britishmuseum colloquium "Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived experience, pharaonic control and local traditions" more details soon

Not strictly Egypt but relevant: 3D Modeling Reveals Ancient Artifacts. Popular Mechanics

Via Jan Picton. Preliminary report on activities of Polish Cliff Mission at Deir El-Bahari 10/02-13/03/13. Facebook

From the Forests of Punt to the Deserts of Saqqara: Life and Death as a Sacred Monkey. Researchers in Museums

A properly protected German reserve provides stark contrast to Egypt's toothless environmental policies. Egypt Today

Tourism Ireland arranged for the Pyramids of Giza to be illuminated in green for St. Patrick’s Day. Al Arabiya

New: Bagnall, Davoli, Hope eds., The Oasis Papers 6: Procs of the 6th Internat. Conf. of the Dakhleh Oasis Project.

El obelisco egipcio que pudo erigirse en Galicia (but is on London's Embankment and ought to be in Egypt). Ushebtis

Walking the city: an interview with Nabil Shawkat on the pleasures of exploring Cairo on foot. Cairobserver

RT @historyancient Online article. The Sun Queen’s Trademark: A Study of the Tall Blue Crown of Queen Nefertiti.

EES/SCA Delta Survey Workshop 2013, 22nd-23rd March 2013 in Cairo. Papers about fieldwork or research in the Delta.

Not Egypt but important: Palmyra has been subjected to intermittent shelling by forces loyal to President.

2nd International symposium on Coptic culture: Past, Present and Future 22-24 July 2013 Stevenage, UK. Details at:

- Egyptology News 30th April - 5th May 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Wadi es-Sebua. Nubia Fieldwork Via @NealSpencer_BM Draft publications of 4th Cataract (Nubia) salvage archaeology, site 3-0 (64-page PDF). SARS      Gebel el Silsila...

- Egyptology News 17th-18th April 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Have a good weekend everyone! Amun in the form of a Ram, Kawa, Nubia. c.680BC.  1931.553. Ashmolean Museum Fieldwork The British Museum website has new pages re the BM and Sudan Archaeological Research Society...

- Egyptology News From 23rd March To 6th April 2013
I've been in Switzerland for my birthday, so apologies for the rather long post, taken from my Twitter account.  Sobek, Ashmolean Museum Via Maria Nilsson ‏@DrMariaNilsson Using Inscriptions from the Antiquities Market: Polarized Positions...

- Egyptology News For The 4th And 5th March
Copied from @egyptologynews.  Most recent at the top. In Spanish. Looking for a solution for the long term preservation of Nubian temple of Debod (now in Madrid). AVAAZ A report that says Egyptian antiquities officials have...

- News For 20th February 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Via HistoryoftheAncient ‏@historyancient: Article: Karnak: Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt Remains of a mud-brick pyramid-shaped tomb cover belonging to vizier Khay (reign of Ramesses...

