Egyptology search engine on Glyphdoctors

Egyptology search engine on Glyphdoctors
Glyphdoctors is developing a new Egyptology search engine, as a part of their Open Egyptology Forums. It is described by Nicole Hansen as follows: "Powered by Google, this search engine allows you to restrict your search to trustworthy Egyptological sites, both professional and amateur alike. I have added only a few sites myself to get it started, but in order to make it as useful as possible, I need your recommendations on what sites to include. It could be the Web site of an archaeological project or an amateur site with great photos of Egypt. You decide what you would like to search! You can start using the search engine now or suggest more sites to be included."
See the above links for more.

- So Where Are Anthony And Cleopatra?
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Advance warning - Indiana Jones reference. Cleopatra's curse hung over the ancient city of Taposiris Magna, 50km west of Alexandria, where excavators combed the sand last Saturday looking for her resting place with...

- Demo Website (in Development)
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- Monthly Photo Competition At Glyphdoctors Glyphdoctors website has started a monthly photographic competition: "The theme for the coming month is 'Pyramids.' Feel free to submit photos pertaining to this theme or vote on other ones...

- Tutankhamun Death Revisited. All That Glitters . . . to Nicole Hansen from Glyphdoctors for the above link and information. You will need to register for this very useful site (free) if you have not already done so. Nicole has contacted Dr Ashraf...

- Google Earth Tracks Journey Of Ramses ( "Google Earth mapped the route for a colossal statue of ancient Egypt's powerful warrior king, Ramses II, from congested Cairo to a new home near the pyramids.Google Earth, owned by the world's top Internet...

