Egytpological Conflicts in Modern Egypt

Egytpological Conflicts in Modern Egypt
"Ahmed Saleh, the director of SCA’s Abu Simbel antiquities department watched with the rest of the world as Hawass made his discoveries in Bahareya on December 13th, 2004. 'That was a real joke. How can a scientist hold an axe and just hack at a tomb on air? All scientists know that a lot of processes should precede the opening of a tomb. If you just hack away at it you lose important historical evidence. I am sad that this is what Egyptology has come to,' Saleh says". This is a real fun article about both the Bahariya oasis live excavation and the recent Tutankhamum CT scan. Well worth the read.

- A Conversation With Zahi Hawass by Susan Hack The secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass is the guardian of the country's incomparable wealth of monuments, a flamboyant showman whose many books and television documentaries have...

- Hawass Re His Career - Part 2 Second part of Zahi Hawass's piece on the Egyptian Gazette website entitled How I found my true love archaeology (Part 2) reproduced here in full because it will be replcaced tomorrow: "In1976, I became...

- Ahmed Nawwar Exhibition Revisits Faiyum Portraits "Last month, Nawwar exhibited works that seem to be the result of thousands of years of artistic experience. In his exhibition, Soul of Civilisation, held at the Zamalek Gallery, Nawwar brings the...

- Items In "egypt Today" Magazine
A summary of the Tutankhamun scan Egypt Today's April edition summary of the Tutankhamun scan, including Hawass's plans for future work on mummy remains. New home for Ramsses II

- Crossing The Doctor?
Saleh Ahmed manager of the Mit Rahina antiquities zone has found himself with difficulties having landed himself on the wrong side of Dr. Zahi Hawass (his boss) and head of the Supreme council of antiquities when he proposed a different approach to how...

