Hawass re his career - part 2

Hawass re his career - part 2

Second part of Zahi Hawass's piece on the Egyptian Gazette website entitled How I found my true love archaeology (Part 2) reproduced here in full because it will be replcaced tomorrow: "In1976, I became an inspector of the Pyramids of Giza. I was working at Abu Simbel, the Nubian site of the temples of Ramses II, when I read that thieves had broken into the storage house at Giza and had taken dozens of artifacts. Dr Gamal Mokhtar, head of the Department of Antiquities, knew of my administrative abilities and believed I could make sure this would never happen again. One month later, we caught the thieves and all the artifacts were returned. They are still in jail today.In 1977, Bahariya Oasis was put under the same jurisdiction as the Giza monuments and I went to visit the site. It is funny to think back that I was standing on one of the most exciting archaeological sites of the millennium and was not even aware of it. I realised this was virgin site but I never thought that I would excavate there. I was concerned with the protection and conservation of this site with only six guards and no Antiquities Inspector. No one from Cairo was willing to live in this remote site. So, in 1980, I returned to Bahariya to see about renting an office but I was granted no funds to support it. I recommended a young man from Bahariya, Ashry Shakr, a first-year student in archaeology to the Antiquities Department to open an office for us. I then accepted a Fulbright Scholarship to obtain my doctorate in Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania and travelled to the United States.In 1987, I returned to Egypt. The Antiquities Department had appointed Ashry Shakr as Antiquities Inspector of Bahariya. I was promoted to Director General of Giza, Saqqara, and Bahariya Oasis. I began work immediately and plunged into the thick of things, dealing with many problems".

- Profile: Zahi Hawass
Art Museums Journal (Stan Parchin) An excellent factual and no-nonsense profile of SCA General Secretary Zahi Hawass. Zahi Hawass (b. 1947), a native of Damietta, Egypt, has served as his country's Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities...

- Discovery Of Djed-khonsu-es-ankh, Governor Of Bahariya
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/5/Part 1 of a two-part account by Zahi Hawass of the discovery of the tomb of Djed-Khonsu-es-ankh, the Governor of Bahariya, repeated here in full due to the absence of an archive on the Egyptian Gazette website: "The...

- The Crying Child
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/5/This occasional column by Zahi Hawass will be replaced in the next edition of the Egyptian Gazette, so it has been reproduced in full below:"During the third excavation season, I decided to spend four days in Bahariya...

- Interview With Hawass (part 1)
http://travelvideo.tv/news/more.php?id=7755_0_1_0_MHawass is quoted talking about a number of excavations including Giza, Saqqara and particularly the Valley of the Golden Mummies in Bahariya Oasis. He tells the following story which took place when he...

- Discoveries, Recognition And Promotion
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/5/ An article by Zahi Hawass about himself. It is reproduced here in full, because it will not be on the site by tomorrow: "In 1987, I was appointed Director General of Giza, Saqqara, and Bahariya Oasis and set to...

