Interview with Hawass (part 1)

Interview with Hawass (part 1)
Hawass is quoted talking about a number of excavations including Giza, Saqqara and particularly the Valley of the Golden Mummies in Bahariya Oasis. He tells the following story which took place when he was excavating in Bahariya: "I met three young men who told me they will show me tombs located under the homes of Bahariya residents. Skeptical in the beginning, I did not believe what I would discover under the house of a very old lady. Her bathroom took me to a shaft which led to a maze of corridors with ornately-decorated tombs. The problem was the sewage system, over a mile radius, seeping through the entire tomb site. The whole town is built on top of these burials."

- The Future Of Bahariya Hawass concludes his recent episodic account of his work at Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert:"Most of our work during the third, fourth and fifth seasons was focused on preservation and conservation. We...

- Discovery Of Djed-khonsu-efankh - Part 2 Second part of the story of the discover of Djed-Khonsu-efankh, the Governor of Bahariya (Part 2) by Zahi Hawass (reproduced here in full due to a lack of archive on the site)For those who haven't read it, Part...

- My Love Of Pyramids And Mummies A piece by Zahi Hawass in the Egyptian Gazette, talking about his archaeological interests. This has been copied in full, because it will be replaced with a new article tomorrow and will not be archived: "The Valley...

- Mummies And Ct Technology This item goes back and looks at some of the work that has been carried out on Tutankhamun, but also mentions the Bahariya project: "In addition to their work on Tut, an international group of radiologists, epidemiologists and...

- Twenty Sixth Dynasty Burials
This article from Dr. Hawass is on the Bahariya oasis and the 26th dynasty burials found by Dr. Hawass' team.

