Mummies and CT Technology

Mummies and CT Technology
This item goes back and looks at some of the work that has been carried out on Tutankhamun, but also mentions the Bahariya project: "In addition to their work on Tut, an international group of radiologists, epidemiologists and forensic pathologists is documenting hundreds of mummies found at Egypt's Bahariya Oasis. Because so many of the ancient bodies are richly decorated, the area is known as the Valley of the Golden Mummies. . . . Some of the Bahariya tombs were opened for the first time, giving scientists a rare chance to take air samples and study ancient molds that respond to oxygen possibly with harmful results".

- Hawass Dig Days - Valley Of The Golden Mummies
Al Ahram Weekly Being in Bahariya to film this programme brought back many good memories for me, memories that I will never forget. The discovery happened by accident, when a guard who worked at the temple of Alexander the Great was riding his donkey....

- The Future Of Bahariya Hawass concludes his recent episodic account of his work at Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert:"Most of our work during the third, fourth and fifth seasons was focused on preservation and conservation. We...

- Mummy Analysis Project This page will be up for the next week, on the Egyptian Mail website. There's an introductory parapgraph about Tutankhamun and the value of the treasures from that and other tombs, and then some information...

- Interview With Hawass (part 1) is quoted talking about a number of excavations including Giza, Saqqara and particularly the Valley of the Golden Mummies in Bahariya Oasis. He tells the following story which took place when he...

- Bahariya - 20 More Golden Mummies An Egyptian team working in Bahariya has found more golden mummies, similar to those found in the widely publicised "Valley of the Golden Mummies" found previously in the same Western Desert oasis. Egyptology...

