Mummy analysis project

Mummy analysis project
This page will be up for the next week, on the Egyptian Mail website. There's an introductory parapgraph about Tutankhamun and the value of the treasures from that and other tombs, and then some information about the project to analyze a number of mummies in Egypt: " 'The project to examine the ancient mummies consists of four stages," says Zahi Hawass, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. The first stage involves examining the photographs of the five mummies discovered in the Valley of the Kings. Then the second stage in September will witness 10,000 'ordinary' [i.e. non-royal] mummies being transferred to el-Fostat [in Old Cairo] for treatment. In the third stage, we're going to study the golden mummies discovered in Bahariya Oasis. The fourth stage of this exclusively Egyptian project will involvefurther study of the royal mummies,' Hawass adds. Clearly, the local authorities are taking great care of these priceless treasures, an irreplaceable part of Egypt's rich heritage."

- More Re Dna Testing To Be Carried Out On Mummy
Egypt State Information Service More re the announcement by Zahi Hawass that an anonymous mummy is going to undergo DNA testing with a view to determining if it is Tuthmosis I. A mummy found at the Valley of the Kings in Luxor might belong to Tohotmos...

- More Re Recent Ct Scans
State Information Service Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni has said that CT-scan results have ruled out that one of the newly discovered mummies in Luxor was that of ancient queen Nefertiti. A team of Egyptian archaeologists and researchers suggested...

- New Mummy Hall Opens In Cairo Museum ("Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni inaugurates today the second hall of mummies that was set by the Supreme Council for Antiquities at the Egyptian museum in al Tahrir. Twelve royal mummies will be exhibited in the...

- My Love Of Pyramids And Mummies A piece by Zahi Hawass in the Egyptian Gazette, talking about his archaeological interests. This has been copied in full, because it will be replaced with a new article tomorrow and will not be archived: "The Valley...

- Mummies And Ct Technology This item goes back and looks at some of the work that has been carried out on Tutankhamun, but also mentions the Bahariya project: "In addition to their work on Tut, an international group of radiologists, epidemiologists and...

