Excavating Amarna

Excavating Amarna

The Archaeology Magazine website has been updated with an interview with Barry Kemp, who has been directing excavations at Amarna since 1977. The interview is timed to compliment the new exhibtion, Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun, opening at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in November. Here's an extract from the interview:
"One of the major unresolved and perhaps unresolvable difficulties with the Amarna Period is how to disentangle whatever hostility there might have been to Akhenaten's religious ideas with the dynastic politics of the day. The end of the Amarna Period witnessed the demise of a long established ruling family that was rooted in an even longer Theban ascendancy. It was the end of an era and the start of a new one. The advancement of those who took over might have dictated the agenda of court affairs just as much as dislike of Akhenaten's ideas. The fate of Nefertiti's mummy, even if we know what it was, is not likely to help us here."
See the above page for the entire interview.
I will post details of the travelling exhibition nearer its launch date 21st November 2006), but for those that want to see details about the Penn Museum exhibition see

- In The Field: Interview With Barry Kemp Re Amarna
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) “There is no other site like it,” states the introductory paragraph on the website of the Amarna Project – the body which, since 2005, has been responsible for excavations and research at Tell el-Amarna, the short-lived...

- Exhibition: Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place In The Sun
http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/061011/phwfns1.html?.v=1 More re UPenn's Amarna exhibition (duplicating the exhibition home page): "Tutankhamun, ancient Egypt's famous boy pharaoh, grew up 3,300 years ago in the royal court at Amarna, the ancient...

- Exhibition: Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place In The Sun
http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/exhibits/exhibits_looking.shtml http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/exhibits/amarna/about2.shtmlThe University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has announced a new exhibition, running from November 12,...

- Professor Barry Kemp At The Rom
Professor Barry Kemp the director of the Amarna trust has been excavating at Tell el Amarna in middle Egypt since 1977. The sites name in antiquity was Akhetaten, the home of Akhenaten the heritic pharaoh who ruled the two lands in the middle of the...

- An Interview With Barry Kemp
Here we have an interview with Egyptologist Barry Kemp famous for his excavations at tell el Amarna.The interview is on his excavations as well as recent events....

