Exhibition: Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun

Exhibition: Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun

More re UPenn's Amarna exhibition (duplicating the exhibition home page): "Tutankhamun, ancient Egypt's famous boy pharaoh, grew up 3,300 years ago in the royal court at Amarna, the ancient city of Akhetaten, whose name meant the "Horizon of the Aten." This extraordinary royal city grew, flourished - and vanished - in hardly more than a generation's time. Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun, a new exhibition at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Philadelphia, offers a rare look at the meteoric rise and fall of this unique royal city during one of Egypt's most intriguing times."
See the above page for more.
The exhibition runs from Sunday afternoon, November 12, 2006, and runs through October 2007.
The exhibition home page is at:

- Exhibition: Ancient Egypt's City In The Sun Exhibition At Penn Museum
Suite101 (Stan Parchin) Stan Parchin introduces the exhibition, offers background history to the Amarna period, and details about its organization and contents. The review is accompanied by photographs. More than 100 works of art and objects from the...

- Tutankhamun's Childhood Home Exhibited At Penn Museum
Huliq Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun, the University of Pennsylvania Museum's popular new exhibition about the city of Amarna, Tutankhamun's childhood home, will remain open as a long-term exhibition, adding to the Museum's...

- Exhibition: Amarna
Asbury Park Press Treasures from the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun are currently holding court at Philadelphia's Franklin Institute Science Museum. That blockbuster exhibition brings to life an intriguing story from the golden age of ancient Egypt....

- Exhibition: More About The Amarna Exhibtion At Upenn
http://www.archaeology.org/online/reviews/amarna.html"In 1353 B.C., during the later 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep IV ascended the throne of Egypt. His rule was revolutionary in the sweeping changes he sought to impose on ancient Egyptian life and culture....

- Excavating Amarna
http://www.archaeology.org/online/interviews/kemp.html The Archaeology Magazine website has been updated with an interview with Barry Kemp, who has been directing excavations at Amarna since 1977. The interview is timed to compliment the new exhibtion,...

