Excavations in the Valley of the Kings

Excavations in the Valley of the Kings

drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass)

A summary of the work currently being carried out in four areas of the Valley of the Kings. Two of the areas excavated - Nick Reeves's proposed site for "KV-64" and another possible tomb location proposed by Lyla Brock - both failed to produce results. However some interesting minor discoveries were made in the cliffs behind the tombs and there is hope that a new tomb will be discovered in the area known as the Valley of the Monkeys. See the above page for the full report.

- Video - Unearthing Ancient Tombs
ABC7 Local Thanks very much to Kat for sending me this link and pointing me to the other videos provided on the site. It is one of ten videos available on the ABC7News Tutankhamun page at the moment. When Dr. Zahi Hawass became Secretary General of Egyptian...

- Kv64 Update
Luxor News For those of you unfamiliar with KV64, it is the most recently published discovery in the Valley of the Kings, identified so far only by radar. Dr Nick Reeves revealed the existence of the site on the Amarna Royal Tombs Project (ARTP) website,...

- Response From Hawass To "kv64"
http://tinyurl.com/kag6f (usatoday.com)It is no great surprise that the response of Zahi Hawass to the public release of news about the tentatively labled "KV64" by Nick Reeves has not bee particularly warm: "In a letter to USA TODAY, he writes, 'If...

- Update - "kv64"
http://www.archaeology.org/online/interviews/reeves.htmlThanks to Aayko Eyma for pointing out that the Archaeology magazine website has now been updated with an interview with Nick Reeves, who has recently announced the presence on radar images of a possible...

- News From The Valley Of Kings
Over at Kate Phizackerley's Valley of Kings site there is an interesting conversation going on over her post Amarna Royal Tombs Project in the Valley of Kings. I myself have little hope that there is anything but broken pottery left in the valley...

