News from the Valley of Kings

News from the Valley of Kings

Over at Kate Phizackerley's Valley of Kings site there is an interesting conversation going on over her post Amarna Royal Tombs Project in the Valley of Kings. I myself have little hope that there is anything but broken pottery left in the valley and if the showman doctor had found anything we would know about it.

- Photos Of New Excavations In The Valley Fo The Kings Kate has posted a couple of photographs of new excavations in the Valley of the Kings on her News from the Valley of the Kings blog. There is no information available at the moment about what is being excavated but I daresay that news will...

- Field Work: Archaeological Activity On The West Bank At Luxor
News from the Valley of the Kings Kate Phizackerley has recently had some excellent photos from visitors to Egypt who have taken shots of work being carried out on the West Bank at the Valley of the Kings, Deir el Bahri and elsewhere. Go to her site,...

- Photographs Of Excavation In The Valley Of The Kings
News from the Valley of the Kings blog (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has updated her blog with some excellent photographs by David Hay, who visited the Valley of the Kings recently. The images show an excavation taking place, with lots of excellent detail....

- Eye Of Horus Discovered In Valley Of The Kings
News from the Valley of the Kings More from Kate Phizackerley: The group from Luxury Travel who were in the Valley of the Kings on 10th January 2009 report seeing discovery of a rock painted with an Eye of Horus. I've shown a clip from their photo...

- Sarcophagus In Tomb 31
Kate from the Valley of Kings is reporting the possible find of a sarcophagus in valley of kings tomb kv31....

