Field work: Archaeological activity on the West Bank at Luxor

Field work: Archaeological activity on the West Bank at Luxor

News from the Valley of the Kings

Kate Phizackerley has recently had some excellent photos from visitors to Egypt who have taken shots of work being carried out on the West Bank at the Valley of the Kings, Deir el Bahri and elsewhere. Go to her site, above to see some of the views of work in progress.

- Replicas In The Valley Of The Kings?
Al Ahram Weekly (Riad Tawfik) Tourism experts have greeted a plan to open replica tombs for tourists on the west bank at Luxor with considerable scepticism, writes Riad Tawfik Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has recently announced a radical plan...

- Hieroglyphs For The Web
News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has been busy recently designing a new plug-in for WordPress which will enable people to use hieroglyphs on the web. She has been working on this for some time, partly because it was a requirement...

- Variations On An Enigma
Al Ahram Weekly Recent discoveries at the Valley of the Kings on Luxor's west bank have changed the understanding of one of the most intriguing archaeological sites in Egypt, says Nevine El-Aref The Valley of the Kings is one of the richest and most...

- Jane Akshar's Luxor News Blog Updates
Luxor News Blog Jane has been busy whilst I have been away. She has updated her blog with a number of articles, accompanied as usual by some great photos, as follows: Photos of the shrine to Ptah and Meretseger on the West Bank Visiting El KabEl Kab...

- News From The Valley Of Kings
Over at Kate Phizackerley's Valley of Kings site there is an interesting conversation going on over her post Amarna Royal Tombs Project in the Valley of Kings. I myself have little hope that there is anything but broken pottery left in the valley...

