Exhibition: Egypt, Gift of the Nile

Exhibition: Egypt, Gift of the Nile

"While viewing artifacts from Egypt’s past would normally require a trip to the city, a new exhibit at the Huron County Museum (HCM) allows patrons to do so without straying far from home. Titled “Egypt, Gift of the Nile,” the exhibit is on loan from Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), and will be showing until June 30. About 70 artifacts are on display, according to HCM assistant curator Elizabeth French, and many are thousands of years old. Ancient jewellery, tools of many kinds, and a replica of a mummy case are among those being shown. Themes include fashion, family life, education, religion, and ancient beliefs about the afterlife.
The majority of the items in the exhibit are authentic, though a few - like the mummy case - are reproductions of genuine artifacts, said French. When artifacts are rare, or too fragile to transport, a replica of the object may be placed on display instead, she explained."
See the above for more.

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