Exhibition: Land of the Pharaohs

Exhibition: Land of the Pharaohs

http://tinyurl.com/gr9x6 (ic Liverpool)
"Did daily life in Ancient Egypt involve rush hour panics to get to the pyramid building site, or protests over asses being exploited for their milk? Those questions may be answered at Land of the Pharaohs, a new exhibition at the Atkinson Art Gallery beginning Monday, May 15.
The interactive display will show how people lived, and what they did to help them through everyday life, as well as the afterlife when it approached. Museums from across the North West have donated exhibits to the display, complementing the Atkinson's existing collection. Land of the Pharoahs runs until Saturday, July 22. Admission is free."

The Atkinson Art Gallery is located in Southport, in northwest England - the gallery's website can be found at:

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