Exhibition: Egyptian Antiquities from the Louvre

Exhibition: Egyptian Antiquities from the Louvre

http://tinyurl.com/ybew2k (smh.com.au)
Article about a new exhibition opening soon in the National Gallery of Australia, Egyptian Antiquities from the Louvre: Journey to the Afterlife, based on an interview with co-ordinating curator Bronwyn Campbell: "Campbell expects the new exhibition to attract large crowds, larger even than the 100,000 who went to see the gallery's popular Constable show last summer. And that's despite the fact the Australian Museum hosted its own imported blockbuster - Life Beyond the Tomb: Death in Ancient Egypt - just 12 months ago. . . . In all, 302 objects - from sarcophagus and sculpture to jewellery - will be on display in Canberra. They were chosen by Marc Etienne, the curator of the Louvre's Department of Egyptian Antiquities. Despite the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and other great wonders of the Louvre, Egyptian Antiquities is the most popular of the museum's eight departments. Yet of its 60,000 artefacts, there is room for only 5000 in the Louvre's permanent display - which is why in recent years the Louvre has taken its Egyptian collection to the world."
The exhibition runs from November 17th 2006 until February 25th 2007. See the above page for the full 2-page article.

Another article on the subject can be found at:
This piece looks more at the relationship of France with Egypt's heritage since the 19th century, and at the collections held within the Louvre itself.

The National Gallery of Australia's home page is at:
A good overview of the exhibition on the NGA's site is at:

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