Exhibition: The Louvre in Atlanta

Exhibition: The Louvre in Atlanta

Louvre Atlanta Home Page
Be warned - as soon as you click on the above hyperlink, it launches a video interview accompanied by background music. I was still half asleep when I clicked on it, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

The website is the home page of the Louvre Atlanta project - a series of exhibitions taking place over a three year period, now moving into year two.

Louvre Atlanta continues this fall with The Louvre and the Ancient World. Showcasing more than 130 treasured Egyptian, Near Eastern, and Greco-Roman antiquities from the Louvre, the exhibition examines the growth of these collections under Napoleon, the discoveries and decipherment of hieroglyphics and cuneiform, and the Louvre's leading role in excavating the cradle of civilization at the end of the 19th century and during the 20th century.

A special installation highlights the colossal, ten-foot-long Tiber—one of the largest sculptures in the Louvre's collections. The Eye of Josephine, opening concurrently, reassembles more than 60 Greco-Roman and Egyptian antiquities that were installed by the Empress Josephine at Malmaison, her residence located on the outskirts of Paris.

The interview on the home page is between Henri Loyrette, President and Director of the Musée du Louvre, and Michael E. Shapiro, the Nancy and Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Director of the High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia (where the exhibition is taking place). Each page loads a different video.

Thanks very much to Chris Townsend for pointing me to the page.

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