Exhibition: "Quest" in Portland

Exhibition: "Quest" in Portland
"There are images that stand out in every art exhibit. In the Portland Art Museum's exhibit The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt, it may be one of the smaller objects, a statue of the goddess Isis -- as pristine as if it had been carved yesterday, not in the 26th dynasty, 664-525 B.C. Seated on a throne, serenely looking ahead above the level of any mortal, she is delicately crafted, with smooth surfaces and fine detailing. You have to shake yourself to remember that many of these works have endured for 3,500 years, from a civilization that lasted for 3,000 years. Some of the objects in this exhibit were new when the pyramids already were 1,000 years old."
See the above page for the full story.

Another article reviewing the exhibition is at:

The preparation for the exhibition is covered at:
http://tinyurl.com/yc6qu5 (oregonlive.com)
"Before a single ticket is sold for "The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt" at the Portland Art Museum, staffers had to clear a series of hurdles nearly as long as the Nile. (OK, maybe not quite that long). First, Portland had to compete with several other museums to host the show, which began at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., one of its organizers. The five-year, 11-city tour of the United States includes Boston, Houston and Denver; Portland is the only West Coast stop. . . . .Moving and construction for the traveling Quest for Immortality exhibit is overseen by an Egyptian curator designated by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, as well as representatives from United Exhibits Group of Copenhagen, Denmark, a show organizer. And lots of Portland Art Museum employees will help once the crates arrive. But only a select few have license to touch any of the objects."

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- Exhibition: Opening Of Quest In Portland
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- Quest For Immortality
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- U.s. Exhibition: The Quest For Immortality
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