Exhibition: Tutankhamun leaves Dallas

Exhibition: Tutankhamun leaves Dallas

The Dallas Morning News

The boy king has been encamped at the Dallas Museum of Art since October, but for his last hurrah, the DMA is keeping the show open Friday until midnight and staying open continuously to offer "34 Hours of Tut" from Saturday at 9 a.m. until Sunday at 7 p.m., when Tut finally checks out. Half-price tickets will be available in the wee hours Sunday morning.

The DMA has drawn over 600,000 people to the exhibition of more than 130 rare Egyptian artifacts. The museum was hoping to attract at least 1 million, but then this wicked monster called a dreadful economy slipped in under Tut's nose.

Even so, the DMA is choosing to have fun with it all during its "Mummy Marathon," which includes a special Late Nights event tonight from 6 until midnight.

See the above page for more.

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