Exhibition: Del Nil a Catalunya. El llegat d'Eduard Toda

Exhibition: Del Nil a Catalunya. El llegat d'Eduard Toda

El Periodico

An article about an exhibition of photographs taken by Eduard Toda, a diplomat who participated in the excavatations of the intact tomb of Sennedjem in 1886. The exhibition, Del Nil a Catalunya. El llegat d'Eduard Toda, is showing at the Víctor Balaguer Museum, in Vilanova i la Geltrú (near Barcelona in northeast Spain), Four of the 166 photographs, which have been restored by the museum, are shown on the above page. The photographs are being displayed with some of the items from the tomb of Sennedjem, including the mummy of the five year old Nesi.

El Museu Víctor Balaguer, de Vilanova i la Geltrú, ha restaurado la colección de fotografías que se trajo Toda de Egipto y las expone a partir de mañana junto con una serie de objetos procedentes de la tumba de Sennedjem, entre ellos la momia de Nesi, un niño de cinco años.

The exhibition runs from 4th October 2007 until 17th February 2008.
The museum's web page for the exhibition is written in Catalan.

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