Exhibition: From Luxor to London

Exhibition: From Luxor to London

Egypt at the Manchester Museum

From Luxor to London: An exhibition of drawings and prints by Adele Wagstaff at the Petrie Museum, UCL April 13-June 26, 2010

A collection of drawings and prints inspired by reliefs, monuments and sculpture in Luxor, Thebes and the Petrie's own collection in London. Many of the drawings and prints are inspired by the Hatshepshut Temple in Deir el-Bahri as well as the Luxor Museum.

- Exhibition: Excavating Egypt Going To Santa Fe
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- Exhibitions: Great Discoveries From The Petrie Museum
http://tinyurl.com/2kh9z6 (masslive.com) It is nice to see that the labouriously named exhibition Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology is still getting good publicity as it continues on its travels around...

- Petrie Collection
http://www.bsn.org.uk/view_all.php?id=12570A short video with Rachel Sparks talking about Petrie to accompany the Petrie In Palestine exhibition currently showing in London. Petrie is perhaps best known for his work in Egypt, and this video discusses...

- Re-housing Of The Petrie Museum
It was good to read in the print edition of Ancient Egypt magazine, this month, that the Petrie Museum in London has been approved a grant of £5 million towards its move to new premises, planned for 2010, adding to a grant of £2.5 million and an interest...

- Reader In The Sands Of Time
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,923-1814247,00.html "He liked to work in his underpants and ate only from tins, but Flinders Petrie changed the face of archaeology". Joyce Tyldesley writing about Sir William Flinders Petrie, who transformed archaeological...

