Re-housing of the Petrie Museum

Re-housing of the Petrie Museum

It was good to read in the print edition of Ancient Egypt magazine, this month, that the Petrie Museum in London has been approved a grant of £5 million towards its move to new premises, planned for 2010, adding to a grant of £2.5 million and an interest free loan of £1.2 million from the HEFCE's Strategic Development fund: "The dramatic new building will provide three floors of gallery space for the Petrie Museum, together with a research room and conservation studio." All 80,000 items, including several hundred from the Amelia Edwards collection, and Petrie's large collection, will be on display or in visible storage.

The Petrie Museum website is at:

- Petrie Launches Egypt Partnership
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- Petrie Museum Celebrating Amelia Edwards
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- Exhibition: Excavating Egypt Going To Santa Fe
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- News From The Petrie Museum The Autumn 2005 edition (issue 31) of the Friends of the Petrie Museum Magazine appeared through my letterbox this morning, with its usual selection of museum and related news. Amongst the features included is a...

- Petrie Museum - Present And Future,11711,1505969,00.html As anyone who has read this blog regularly will know, I am a great fan of the Petrie Museum (and one of the Friends of the Petrie). So it is always great to see them getting a bit of publicity....

