News from the Petrie Museum

News from the Petrie Museum
The Autumn 2005 edition (issue 31) of the Friends of the Petrie Museum Magazine appeared through my letterbox this morning, with its usual selection of museum and related news. Amongst the features included is a piece by Stephen Quirke about the return to the museum of a loan of 605 weights. The weights, in various fascinating shapes and sizes, were on loan to the National Museum of Science and Industry (UK) and date from the Naqada period through to the Byzantine and Islamic periods. 200 of them are now on display at the Petrie and they will all appear on the online database when they have been photographed.

Also featured is the Petrie's new web project:
The new website reunites dispersed objects from excavations by Petrie or his organization, the Brithish School of Archaeology in Egypt, and offers a number of resources including:

Anyone interested in joining the Friends should contact the Petrie - either visit the website at or email [email protected].

- Petrie Book Auction (u.k.)
Friends of the Petrie Museum The Petrie's Book Auction will take place on Wednesday 31st October int he Institute of Archaeology (UCL). The auction will take place and 7pm and the evening will begin with a viewing of the books, accompanied by drinks....

- Friends Of The Petrie Magazine 34, Spring 2007 The latest issue of the Friends of the Petrie Museum Magazine (Issue 34, Spring 2007) is now available to members. Anyone based in London and intererested in Egyptology should check out the benefits of joining the Friends,...

- Petrie Museum On The Move ( the Science Magazine's Random Samples page, there's a short paragraph about the Petrie Museum and its plans to move to new premises: "The Petrie Museum, one of the world's biggest collections of...

- Re-housing Of The Petrie Museum
It was good to read in the print edition of Ancient Egypt magazine, this month, that the Petrie Museum in London has been approved a grant of £5 million towards its move to new premises, planned for 2010, adding to a grant of £2.5 million and an interest...

- Petrie Museum - Present And Future,11711,1505969,00.html As anyone who has read this blog regularly will know, I am a great fan of the Petrie Museum (and one of the Friends of the Petrie). So it is always great to see them getting a bit of publicity....

