Petrie Museum - Present and Future

Petrie Museum - Present and Future,11711,1505969,00.html
As anyone who has read this blog regularly will know, I am a great fan of the Petrie Museum (and one of the Friends of the Petrie). So it is always great to see them getting a bit of publicity. The UK broadsheet The Guardian did a very short feature on it last week (thanks again, Tia) reporting that the museum's exhibits only display 5% of 81,000 items in less than perfect conditions, but that there are new premises planned. See the article for a few more details.

Details of the new museum can be found at the Petrie's website at the following address under the "The Petrie Museum" link (navigate to the "Planning the New Museum" link). The new museum will be called the Panopticon, and its opening is planned for 2008.

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