Petrie Book Auction

Petrie Book Auction
On Wednesday 12th July The Friends of the Petrie Museum will be holding their annual book auction in Room G6, Institute of Archaeology (University College London), 30 Gordon Square.

Email and postal bids are both possible, and full details of how to go about this can be found on the above page.

There are a few Ancient Near East and general titles, but the majority are Egyptology. There is the usual mix of some very desirable titles, useful out-of-print books and other more general items.

'Viewing' is from 5pm with the auction starting at 6pm. All welcome. If you would like an email list of titles with the current bid status, please email Jan Picton (Secretary, Friends of the Petrie) at:
[email protected]

Last year they raised 2300 pounds. All proceeds go towards the conservation of objects in the Petrie Museum so please support the auction.

The Petrie Museum is located in London, UK:
More information about the Friends of the Petrie can be found at:

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