Exhibition: Journey through the Afterlife

Exhibition: Journey through the Afterlife

Heritage Key (Ann Wuyts)

Never before the Book of the Dead has been the focus of such a major exhibition as the one upcoming at the British Museum in November this year. Rumours of the exhibition started to surface (or at least, reach my ears) ever since the Colloquium on the Book of the Death last year, but was only recently confirmed. 'Journey through the afterlife: the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead' will focus on how the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead was thought to guide the deceased safely through the dangers of the underworld, ultimately (hopefully) ensuring eternal life. The Book of the Dead is not a single text, but a compilation of spells - often with illustrations of the underworld - of which the content evolved over time.

- Exhibition: Journey Through The Afterlife
Al Ahram Weekly (David Tresilian) As anyone who has visited its ancient Egyptian galleries will know, London's British Museum has one of the world's most important collections of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including the famous Rosetta Stone,...

- Exhibition: Journey Through The Afterlife (british Museum)
Reuters Africa Papyri from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, a series of spells designed to help guide the dead through the afterlife, will be at the centre of a new show at the British Museum this November. The star item is likely to be the Greenfield...

- Exhibition: Out Of The Vaults
Huliq.com Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto runs an exhibition named 'Out of the Vaults: Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead' until October 18, 2009. Journey to the afterlife through the mystical Book of the Dead of Amen-em-hat. Books of the Dead are...

- More Re Scroll Of Amenemhat At Rom
The Torontoist With photograph. The ROM is kicking off Egypt Month on Saturday, February 28 with a new attraction: the Book of the Dead (and no, it’s not the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead series—that demonic text was Sumerian). The seven metre–long...

- 3400 Year Old Book Of The Dead
The British Museum's curator Dr John Taylor has located pieces of a New Kingdom book of the dead that once belonged to a high priest of Amun in around 1420 bc. The fragments are kept in the Queensland Museum but there are other pieces in various...

