More re scroll of Amenemhat at ROM

More re scroll of Amenemhat at ROM

The Torontoist

With photograph.

The ROM is kicking off Egypt Month on Saturday, February 28 with a new attraction: the Book of the Dead (and no, it’s not the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead series—that demonic text was Sumerian). The seven metre–long scroll, which is part of the ROM’s Out of the Vault Series, has recently been restored to its full beauty. Written in 320 BC for a wealthy Ptolemaic Egyptian named Amen-em-hat, the text of the scroll contains numerous spells, hymns, and instructions to help guide the deceased through the underworld. The scroll also depicts Amen-em-hat fishing, farming, and standing in judgement before the Egyptian gods.

In Ptolemaic Egypt, the scroll was usually written on papyrus and placed in the tomb or coffin of the dead. It was believed that the various hymns and spells would grant the dead magical powers, protection against fire and water, new body parts, and a voice with which to speak. All of these abilities were thought to be necessary to reach the Hall of Judgement, where the heart of the deceased would be weighed on a scale against a feather, the symbol of Maat, goddess of truth and justice. If the deceased led an honest life, the scale would balance and they would be granted eternal life; if not, a monster would eat their heart.

See the above page for more.

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