Exhibition: More re Anubis, Upwawet and Other Deities

Exhibition: More re Anubis, Upwawet and Other Deities

A short piece about the new exhibition at the Cairo Museum: "The exhibition, Anubis, Upwawet and Other Deities, is based on votive offerings that British archaeologist Gerald Wainwright found in a tomb built around 1800 or 1900 BC near the southern town of Assiut. The tomb originally belonged to a local hereditary prince, but for more than 1,000 years local people used it as a shrine for personal devotion, filling it with tablets dedicated to the local jackal god Upwawet."
See the above for more.

- Sandro Vannini's Photography - Anubis Shrine And "anubis Fetishes"
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Ancient Egypt's Old Kingdom (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has posted a special article by Brian Playfair which looks at the interpretation of Anubis as a jackal and offers an alternative suggestion. Here's a short extract from the introduction: We...

- Exhibition: More Re Anubis, Upwawet And Other Deities
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/837/he2.htm"The exhibition on the museum's ground floor falls within a series organised by the Egyptian Museum to highlight some of the treasures of its collection which has been hidden for decades in its overflowing...

- Exhibition: Anubis, Upwawet And Other Deities
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17403311/"A thousand years’ worth of offerings to an ancient Egyptian jackal god are the subject of an exhibition that opened on Thursday at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum. The exhibition, Anubis, Upwawet and Other Deities, is...

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