Exhibition: The Louvre Presents Today - The Gates of Heaven

Exhibition: The Louvre Presents Today - The Gates of Heaven

Art Daily

The Louvre presents today The Gates of Heaven - Visions of the World in Ancient Egypt, on view through June 29, 2009. In the ancient Egyptian language, “gates of heaven” referred to the doors on a sacred shrine holding the statue of a god. Opening these doors brought the divine world into contact with the human one, an act that enabled the Universe to perpetuate itself by renewing the process of creation. It also allowed humans to glimpse an image of an ineffable reality. Closing the doors was merely the prelude to another, future rebirth; in the meantime, the god returned to the shadowy Beyond, withdrawing his image from human sight.

Egyptians felt that certain places acted, in a way, as replicas of these shrines containing divine statues. These places were therefore endowed with doors—actual or false—which represented the transition between physical and mental realities. This exhibition focuses on four of these realities: the ordered Universe, the Beyond, the tomb chapel, and the temple forecourt. Objects designed to depict these worlds or to be placed within them reflect a complex logic that reveals the intricacy of Egyptian philosophy, far removed from our own rational, Cartesian way of thinking.

See the above page for more.

- Online: The Gates Of Heaven. Visions Of The World In Ancient Egypt. Mini Site.
The Louvre For the ancient Egyptians, the expression "the Gates of Heaven" referred both to the passageway into the afterlife, and to certain everyday objects. The exhibition entitled "The Gates of Heaven. Visions of the World in Ancient Egypt" features...

- Exhibition: Gates Of Heaven
Al Ahram Weekly An article which I missed, about an exhibition at the Louvre which will be open until the end of June: Ancient Egyptian concepts of this world and the next are the focus of this spring's major exhibition at the Louvre in Paris, writes...

- Exhibition: The Gates Of Heaven
Design Taxi Louvre Museum, Rue de Rivoli, Paris 6 March - 29 June 2009 In the Ancient Egyptian language “The Gates of Heaven” meant the doors of a sanctuary housing the statue of a divinity. Symbolizing the passageway into the afterworld this expression...

- False Doors Found In Beni Suef
Egypt State Information Service The Supreme Council of Antiquities announced on 22/2/2008 that the Spanish archaeologists have unearthed three stone gates dating back to the first transition era (2191-2040 BC) in Ihnasia, Beni Sweif Governorate. Zahi...

- First Intermediate Discovery
This article has a wonderful image of one of the recently found false doors. http://www.guardians.net/hawass/discoveries/First_Intermediate_Period_Discovery_at_Ehnasya_El-Medina%20.htm...

