First Intermediate Discovery

First Intermediate Discovery

This article has a wonderful image of one of the recently found false doors.

- More Re Ehnasya Al-medina Cemetery
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The site of Ehnasya Al-Medina, which is perched on a hill, incorporates a number of cemeteries and temples spanning from the late First Intermediate Period and early Middle Kingdom through to the Roman period. From this...

- More Re False Portal Discovery
National Geographic (Steven Stanek) Mucho, mucho happiness. I was hoping that Nevine El-Aref would make some sense of all these reports in one of her Al Ahram Weekly slots later this week, but the National Geographic, in the form of Steven Stanek, has...

- Herakleopolis False Doors
An article with nice picture of false doors used for the dead to pass into the world of the living.

- Middle Kingdom Site Discovered
Here we have the recent discovery at Ain Sokhna

- Tombs Of Dynasty Five
Here we have an article by Dr. Zahi Hawass of two recently discovered tombs at Saqqara.

