Herakleopolis False Doors

Herakleopolis False Doors

An article with nice picture of false doors used for the dead to pass into the world of the living.


- Exhibition: The Louvre Presents Today - The Gates Of Heaven
Art Daily The Louvre presents today The Gates of Heaven - Visions of the World in Ancient Egypt, on view through June 29, 2009. In the ancient Egyptian language, “gates of heaven” referred to the doors on a sacred shrine holding the statue of a god....

- More Re False Portal Discovery
National Geographic (Steven Stanek) Mucho, mucho happiness. I was hoping that Nevine El-Aref would make some sense of all these reports in one of her Al Ahram Weekly slots later this week, but the National Geographic, in the form of Steven Stanek, has...

- The Great Pyramid Shafts
The shafts that extend from the northern and southern walls of the Queens chamber have been found to have doors with copper bolts inside them. Perhaps behind one of these doors we will find a sarcophagus containing the missing mummy of Khufu's mother...

- First Intermediate Discovery
This article has a wonderful image of one of the recently found false doors. http://www.guardians.net/hawass/discoveries/First_Intermediate_Period_Discovery_at_Ehnasya_El-Medina%20.htm...

- My Cold Naked Body
At some time in ancient history these were living beings with all their sensitivity and foibles of being alive. Everyone dies but not everyone has their body turned into a mummy and the people who do not want to look at the dead probably should not. The...

