Exhibition in Brooklyn

Exhibition in Brooklyn

I am a huge fan of the Brooklyn museum and its temple of Mut dig diary but here is a new exhibition being put on by the museum.


- Exhibition: Ancient Egyptian Magic
http://www.brooklynpaper.com/stories/30/3/30_03artifacts.htmlOverview of the Ancient Egyptian Magic exhibition at the Brooklyn, which opened in late December and runs until August 2007: "For centuries, people have been fascinated by mummified bodies as...

- Exhibition: Final Month Of Egypt Through Other Eyes
http://tinyurl.com/fu59o (artdaily.com)For anyone wishing to visit the exhibition Egypt Through Other Eyes: The Popularization of Ancient Egypt at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, it is in its last four weeks: "The show is presenting more than thirty books...

- Brooklyn's Dig
Here is Brooklyn's dig diary at the Temple of Mut. http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/community/blogosphere/bloggers/2009/01/23/our-first-week/...

- The Temple Of Mut
The Brooklyn museums dig diary at the temple of Mut has long been one of my favorite sites to visit. A new dig season begins! http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/features/mut/index.php...

- Brooklyn's Mummies
The 5 human mummies including the mummy of Demetrios from the Brooklyn museums collection are receiving a full exam before the museums travelling exhibition begins. http://egyptian-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/brooklyn_museum_examines_mummies Here...

