Exploring the viritual Valley of the Kings

Exploring the viritual Valley of the Kings

Heritage Key (Fran Wilde)

Heritage Key's Valley of the Kings is much easier to reach than the real-world Valley - simply register for a Heritage Key account, follow a few easy steps, and you'll find yourself shortly in the Travel Hub, where you can select the teleporter to the Valley of the Kings from among a range of choices.

Experienced travelers may want to extend their visit to the Collections Gallery to see the treasures of Tutankhamun up close. You will enjoy the convenience of traveling virtually to the Valley, without the dust and expense of actual travel!

On entering the Valley of the Kings from the Heritage Key Virtual visitors are greeted immediately by a friendly Egyptologist, who is taking a break from excavating, documenting, and cataloguing the stunning artefacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun in order to help visitors find their way to the activities available. Tapping the Egyptologist's shoulder elicits more information, as well as a map of the area, and a display behind him offers detailed descriptions of the main activities for all in the Valley.

- Interview With Steven Cross Re Kv64 And Research In The Valley Of The Kings
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Last week as news was breaking about the new tomb—KV64—Em Hotep received word from Stephen Cross, an Egyptologist and Geologist specializing in the Valley of the Kings, that he had photographed the tomb while conducting his...

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- News From The Valley Of Kings
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- Sarcophagus In Tomb 31
Kate from the Valley of Kings is reporting the possible find of a sarcophagus in valley of kings tomb kv31....

