Fine Work at Saqqara

Fine Work at Saqqara

A team from Poland has been excavating at Saqqara near King Djoser's step pyramid and have found an Old kingdom cemetery where others thought nothing would be found.

- Including the 2009 dig diaries. Welcome to A visitor to the site before 1975 would have viewed a landscape uncluttered by monuments of any kind ... An observant visitor might have noticed rough rectangular depressions in the sand:...

- Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple

- Deir El Bahari

- Hatshepsut In Toronto
This is an article based on lectures at the Royal Ontario museum unfortunately when mentioning the people who have excavated at Deir el Bahari the author forgot to mention Charles Currelly. Mr. Currelly was one of the most important people whom without...

- Poles End Thirteenth Season

