Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple

Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple

This is an ongoing project of creating 3d images of Hatshepsut's mortuary temple.


- Polish Archaeologist Back For New Season
The Polish team is back to Marea for its tenth season. http://en.naukawpolsce.pl/palio/html.run?_Instance=cms_naukapl.pap.pl&_PageID=1&s=szablon.depesza&dz=archeology&dep=363469&data=&lang=EN&_CheckSum=767185443...

- Fine Work At Saqqara

- Thutmosis Iii Mortuary Temple
These images from the mortuary temple of Thutmosis III show that little remains and what does can't get no respect. http://luxor-news.blogspot.com/2009/01/tuthmosis-iii-mortuary-temple.html...

- Hatshepsut In Toronto
This is an article based on lectures at the Royal Ontario museum unfortunately when mentioning the people who have excavated at Deir el Bahari the author forgot to mention Charles Currelly. Mr. Currelly was one of the most important people whom without...

- Poles End Thirteenth Season

