First batch of back-dated posts

First batch of back-dated posts

Please find below a batch of back-dated posts. I am only half way through my Google Reader feed, and haven't looked at either my emails or my Yahoo! alerts yet. This could take some time!


- Google Reader - "not Egypt But Interesting" Widget
Thanks not at all to Google for deciding to update Google Reader in the most unfriendly way imaginable, the Share option has now vanished from aggregated posts, which means that I cannot update the Not Egypt But Interesting widget (or delete anything...

- Blog Updates
Thanks a million to everyone who emailed with news items whilst I was away. I have now read all the emails and on the posts below you fill find a round up of the news stories that were waiting in my Inbox. I still haven't been through my RSS aggregator...

- Still Back-dating!
I've added some more backdates, which I've simply posted under today's date for convenience. I've yet to check Google Alerts, so there may well be another batch tomorrow. Bear with me - I'm getting there! All the best Andie Egyptology...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the lack of weekend postings. More trouble in paradise! Normal service really has resumed this time. I've back-dated the postings for Saturday and Sunday. If I get time today I'll go back and translate the Spanish and Italian articles...

- Blog - A Bit Of An Update
I promised that I would try to update the blog today, but the backlog was rather more awesome than I had anticipated - 427 Google Alerts alone, never mind the emails and websites. I've just finished processing the Alerts, and I've posted below...

