Still back-dating!

Still back-dating!

I've added some more backdates, which I've simply posted under today's date for convenience. I've yet to check Google Alerts, so there may well be another batch tomorrow. Bear with me - I'm getting there!

All the best

- Second Batch Below
Please find below the second batch of news items from the last two and a bit weeks. I'm catching up slowly! There is at least one more batch to come - bear with me I'm up to my ears in stuff at the moment. Going away on holiday is always great...

- First Batch Of Back-dated Posts
Please find below a batch of back-dated posts. I am only half way through my Google Reader feed, and haven't looked at either my emails or my Yahoo! alerts yet. This could take some time! Best Andie Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - Will Be Resumed Soon
Apologies to everyone for the late updating of the blog. I've been a bit busy with other things, but you'll find the best of the backlog above. See more tomorrow. The Photo for Today will be back when I have sorted out the next batch of Rick's...

- Taking The Day Off To Move Furniture
I'll be back again tomorrow but, unless something truly unmissable breaks later today, I'm moving furniture and its contents from one room to another so that a large carpet cane be taken up today and a new one put down to replace it tomorrow morning....

- Blog - Looking For A Solution To A Couple Of Problems
This is something of a cry for help. 1) I am sure that most of you have noticed that whenever I go away the blog ceases to be updated for a while because I simply cannot keep up with it. It takes a minimum of an hour a day to update, and when I'm...

