Second batch below

Second batch below

Please find below the second batch of news items from the last two and a bit weeks. I'm catching up slowly! There is at least one more batch to come - bear with me I'm up to my ears in stuff at the moment. Going away on holiday is always great - but coming back seems to be such hard work!!

- Egypt’s Antiquities Ministry Releases First Official Replicas
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A state monopoly on 1:1 reproductions? The new Egyptian Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs (MSAA) production unit has just fabricated its first batch of replicas. The batch includes 130 replica statues depicting...

- Photo For Today - W.h. Bartlett Drawings
Egypt Archive (Jon Bosworth) The last of the current batch of photographs lifted from Jon's site (with his permission) this is one of a set of 19 images that Jon has posted on his Egypt Archive site at the above address. Remember that Jon has said...

- Photo For Today - Will Be Resumed Soon
Apologies to everyone for the late updating of the blog. I've been a bit busy with other things, but you'll find the best of the backlog above. See more tomorrow. The Photo for Today will be back when I have sorted out the next batch of Rick's...

- Andie Update
As the blog is being maintained very efficiently by Ben this is not so much of a "blog update" as an Andie update! Hopefully I will be able to stop imposing so much on Ben in the next few weeks and start posting again so that he can use his valuable time...

- Still Back-dating!
I've added some more backdates, which I've simply posted under today's date for convenience. I've yet to check Google Alerts, so there may well be another batch tomorrow. Bear with me - I'm getting there! All the best Andie Egyptology...

